Monday, February 20, 2012

JDBC driver for SQLServer 2000 SP4

Can anyone tell me whether it is better to use the JDBC driver 2000 for SQL Server 2000 + SP4 or is it better to use the newest JDBC driver 2005 ? What would be the advantage or disadvantage.

Thanks, Marcel


The main benefit of the new driver is that it's in active development with a full team working on new driver updates and features for the latest Java vms and SQL Server database versions. More importantly, the older SQL Server 2000 driver is in Extended Support mode and is not actively serviced, while SQL Server 2005 driver is actively supported and the development team can be much more responsive on customer issues.

Other key benefits of the SQL Server 2005 driver are that it is


-more secure (i.e. integrated authentication feature)

-supported against SQL Server 2005 with the new database features (i.e. db mirroring support)

-freely redistributable

Unless you have existing applications that depend on a feature tic from the older driver and aren't worth upgrading to use the new driver, we strongly recommend that you use the newer driver.


Microsoft SQL Server Data Programmability

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